This was an assignment for my Writing for Digital Media class. We were assigned to cover a current news story and to go in depth. I chose to write about how Biden, Harris, and Trump came together to honor those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attack. This story goes beyond the basics.
The anniversary of the 9/11 attacks brought both President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and former President Donald Trump together. Despite the tension of the upcoming election, these three stood together to honor the American’s who lost their lives on that day. They put politics aside as they solely commemorated the hijacked plane attacks that killed almost 3,000 people on Sept. 11, 2001. This attack greatly affected the U.S., as a whole, and it has been known as the attack on America. On Sept. 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic group known as Al Qaeda, hijacked four planes that carried out suicide attacks against the U.S., which caused the U.S. to then take initiative to combat terrorsim. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the third plane hit the Pentagon outside of Washington D.C., and the fourth crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
Biden, Harris, and Trump laid aside their political differences and each participated in the laying of wreaths, in remembrance of the victims at the Flight 93 National Memorial near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. In addition to the laying of wreaths, each of them spoke with victims’ relatives, and they respectively visited separate firehouses earlier that day. The Flight 93 memorial was erected where one of the hijacked planes crashed after the passengers and crew members attempted to storm the cockpit to prevent the hijackers from succeeding. Washington, D.C. is believed to have been the hijackers' target, but the men and women on Flight 93 bravely gave their lives to stop the terrorists from achieving their plan. Trump described the site of the Flight 93 memorial as an “incredible place” in his remarks to nearby reporters. Trump was heard by reporters thanking his hosts of the memorial, and he was seen pumping his fist several times as he headed to pay his respects to the firefighters at the nearby fire station. The 44 people on Flight 93, saved countless lives because of their bravery. The nearly 3,000 people that lost their lives on 9/11 could have been extremely more if not for the bravery of these passengers. A lot of attention is always brought to New York City, but together Trump and Harris made Americans realize the importance of honoring those that bravely prevented the attack that was meant for Washington, D.C.
The hijacked planes that tore into the Pentagon and took down World Trade Center’s twin towers, will forever be remembered in U.S. history even if many Americans seem to not observe the 9/11 anniversaries anymore. All U.S. citizens should reflect on the people who lost their lives at the cost of the most deadliest attack on American soil that occurred on 9/11.
“The men and women of the Department of Defense remember,” Defense Secretary Llyod Austin said in an interview on the 23rd anniversary of this attack. The Department of Defense continually reminds all U.S. citizens to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11 and reflect on the braveness of those who helped save lives.
These attacks affected many different aspects of U.S. foreign policy, the American mindset, and the practices of domestic security practices. Every year communities across the entire U.S. hold their own 9/11 remembrances, this has continued for the past 23 years. During these years, politicians set aside their differences to meet at ground zero to honor those who lost their lives during the attacks. This year was no different. Biden, Harris, and Trump each gathered to hear from the families and friends of those affected by the 9/11 attacks.
Many people worry that politicians only make appearances due to their career and to keep a good light on their campaigns. Brandon Jones, a cousin of victim Jon Richard Grabowski, was glad that politicians were not on the podium at the ceremony in New York City.
“This should be a site for coming together to find feasible solutions and peace. This should not be a place to score political points to get brownie points to round up your base,” said Jones.
Throughout the years, some of the victims' family members use this ceremony to challenge political leaders to prioritize national security, point out the casualties of the war on terror, complain about officials not prioritizing 9/11, and they even call out and criticize current office holders. However, Jacob Afuakwah, who lost his brother, Emmanuel Akwasi Afuakwah in the attack, desires to use the day of 9/11 to appeal for peace.
“It’s my prayer that this wicked act called terrorism will never occur again,” said Jacob Afuakwah.
Teenage twins, Brady and Emily Henry never got to meet their brave uncle, Joseph Patrick Henry. Joseph Patrick Henry was a firefighter who gave his life for the American people by trying to rescue civilians in the 9/11 terrorist attack. Emily Henry said that she and her brother will forever tell of the heroic deeds and actions of her uncle, and she will never let anyone forget all of the people who were lost on Sept. 11, 2001.
A temporary truce was drawn between Harris and Trump in remembrance of the attacks on 9/11. About 10 hours previously, Harris and Trump participated in a heated political debate, but they put aside their differences in order to participate together in one of the most solemn moments in all of U.S. history. Harris and Trump even shared a polite handshake despite the fact that they are indeed political rivals. This brief political break between these two rivals will end shortly, since Trump is set to host a fundraising event in Los Angeles, California, while Harris will hold rallies in the state of North Carolina. The remembrance of 9/11 is a time that Harris and Trump set aside politics in order to stand in unity with the American people in reflection on this deadly terrorist attack. This goes to remind all U.S. citizens that despite any differences that they may have with their fellow Americans, they can be and should be set aside in order to honor those who lost their lives on 9/11.
Baker, P. (2024, September 11). A Temporary Truce in the Political Wars as Harris, Trump and Biden Mark 9/11. The New York Times.
History Editors. (2023, August 9). September 11 Attacks. History; A&E Television Networks.
Peltz, J., & Matthew , K. (2024, September 11). 9/11 Anniversary Brings Biden, Harris and Trump Together at Ground Zero. AP News.