This was an assignment for my Public Relations Research and Evalution class, where we were assigned to write our own ethics code, as if it were to be added to the PRSA Code of Ethics.
Core Principle Striving to uphold ethical standards by enforcing research practices that are transparent, being honest to clients about any dangers that could arise, and respecting the privacy and cultural or religious beliefs of clients personal values.
To prevent misrepresentation through negligence or carelessness in research methods.
To stop long-term detrimental impact that could occur to both companies and consumers because of poorly conducted research.
A member shall:
Strive to honestly represent their research subjects and the information provided through the process of data gathering.
Immediately address and correct even the smallest infraction of research if an error is to be found.
Seek to avoid errors through preparation by careful scrutiny and due diligence to each respective piece of research.
Avoid concealing information that may influence the interpretation of data and tampering with or “adjusting” data.
Give proper credit to original authors and researchers, and order of authorship to those involved in the research.
Examples of Improper Use of Research:
A member observing and recording without not asking explicit permission from clients causing them discomfort.
A member taking results from a research project and altering them to fit desired conclusions for a company or for one’s own research project that differ from the actual results.
A member publicly sharing information about the participants that partook in the development of the research when it is supposed to be confidential.
A member not communicating to the participants about how they would plan to use the information collected from the research.