This was an assignment for my Interpersonal Communication class. We were assigned to do an analysis on chapter one of the book Interpersonal Communication: 2024 Release by Kory Floyd.
Theme of the Chapter:
The overarching theme of the chapter is about the importance of communication. Under this theme one finds the reasons why we communicate, the nature of communication, how we communicate interpersonally, and the building of each one’s own communication competence. The importance of the five needs served by communication are also heavily stressed. The five needs served by communication delve into how communication affects: physical needs, relational needs, identity needs, spiritual needs, and instrumental needs. This chapter also addresses the question of why we communicate and how it daily touches many aspects of everyone’s life.
Five Key Terms From Chapter One:
Interpersonal Communication: Communication that occurs between two people within the context of their relationship and that, as it evolves, helps them to negotiate and define their relationship.
Metacommunication: Communication about communication.
Relational Dimension: Signals about the relationship in which a message is being communicated.
Small Group Communication: Communication occurring within small groups of three or more people.
Stigma: A characteristic that discredits a person, making him or her be seen as abnormal or undesirable.
Overall Take-A-Way(s):
I have multiple overall take-a-way’s from this chapter, including a lot about relationships. The book mentions how communication meets physical and mental needs and it keeps one healthy because if we are denied opportunities for interaction, our mental and physical health can suffer. This was especially seen during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic for there were limited social gatherings held by people. This increased the rate of loneliness and depression, thus proving that social interaction is indeed important. Communication also meets relational needs, these needs include those of companionship, affection, relaxation, and escape. Not all relationships have the same type of needs, but everyone needs relationships and communication is a large part of how we build, keep, and maintain them. A key takeaway about relationships is the research that has found that those with rich social lives play into their overall happiness. Researchers have found that casual conversations, also known as “small talk” can spark a new relationship, but meaningful conversations aids the growth of a relationship or relationships. A final take away are the five needs served by communication. These are physical, relational, identity, spiritual, and instrumental. Physical needs are served by communication since it helps one’s physical and mental well-being. Communication serves relational needs as an aid in forming both social and personal relationships. Identity needs are served by communication by helping one decide who they are and who they desire to be. Another way that communication can serve oneself is by fulfilling spiritual needs. Communication can be a means of sharing our beliefs and values with others. Finally, communication can help us accomplish both personal and professional tasks. This is called one’s instrumental needs. Overall, this chapter has helped me grasp the importance of communication and the necessity of it in our everyday lives.